hairy armadillo

Our Mission

G’day! We’re on a mission to normalise mindful drinking by crafting wine alternatives that taste so amazing, you won’t even miss the alcohol. Not only are our wine alternatives alcohol-free, they are 100% plant-based and packed with nutrientritional benefits.

So, whether you’re taking a night off the sauce or going booze-free for good, let’s focus on the fantastic things you’re doing, like jamming in a band, hiking mountains, watching your kids play sport, or imersing yourself in a new cultural experiences while on holiday.

Our Story

Meet Al and Jodie. Their adventure into the world of chic non-alcoholic drinks kicked off during the rollercoaster ride of the COVID-19 pandemic, navigating between Singapore and Australia.

During this time, Al and Jodie embraced what they later called a ‘damp lifestyle.’ Damp drinking is all about the ‘drink less’ movement, like mindful drinking and sober curiosity, encouraging healthier habits without going completely ‘dry.’

Luckily, we’re not flying solo. The move towards mindful drinking has been picking up steam worldwide, led by GenZ and Millennials. More than ever, people want to enjoy life without the downsides of heavy drinking.

We’re a non-alcoholic wine alternative company, brewing drinks without booze that are packed full of nutritional benefits, so you can have more fun without regret. Life’s too awesome to waste on recovering from the night before.

Like many, we struggled to find tasty non-alcoholic wine alternatives that we enjoyed, so we decided to make our own. So we quite our jobs and moved back to Australia and set up a small fermentary in the Yarra Valley. After over two years of trial and error, we released our first AF sparkling tea to the market in Dec 2023..

We don’t follow crowds. So you won’t find a base of de-alcoholised wine, wine juice concentrate, or verjuice in our brews. After all, we aren’t about trying to mimic wine. We use natural fermentation which yields nutritional benefits and enhances the delicate flavours and nuances of our teas.

In our quest for perfect body, mouthfeel, and flavour, we’ve blazed our own trail with our fermentation process. Our unique recipe, fermentation method, and non-traditional yeast create an alcohol-free wine alternative that’s right at home in stemware.

We didn’t just rely on our taste buds. We did blind tastings with wine merchants, sommeliers, chefs, and regular punters at local farmers markets in the Yarra Valley. Yes, right in the heart of wine country. The response? “Wow. This is the best wine alternative we’ve ever tasted!”

Together, we aim to reduce our culture’s reliance on alcohol and inspire with stories that make us feel alive and free to have fun.

So why not join us on your journey towards redefining what’s possible with a clear mind. We aren’t here to tell you what to do. Whether you abstain for a night, a month, or a year, you’re part of a conscious drinking community, redefining the new normal. You do you.

Thanks for stopping by. We’d love to hear from you. Shoot us an email with your story!

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Fermentation, Process, Teas, Media, Events and Recipes!


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Get in touch with us to ask questions or make a request. We are always ready to help.